A Prayer Book For Catholic Women

    Meet Jesus in prayer. Prayer lifts us up and transforms our lives and the lives of those we love. This beautiful prayer book is the perfect guide for women of all ages who want to deepen their personal relationship with the Lord. Through traditional and contemporary prayers, women will engage in conversation with […]

Feminine aspects of God explored

  By Ruby Thomas, Record Staff Writer A diverse crowd — including Mercy Academy seniors — who packed a theater inside the Kentucky Center for the Arts April 25  heard from Dr. Christopher Pramuk that reclaiming the “feminine divine” would celebrate the fullness of God in all things. Pramuk, a  professor of theology and spirituality at […]

Representing the Feminine Voice (with Sarah Hart and Kate Williams, featuring Dolly Sokol)

Click here to list to this podcast from the National Association of Pastoral Musicians. One of the major pastoral opportunities facing those of us in ministry is in the area of representation. With increasingly diverse membership, even in rural and outlying communities, there isn’t a parish in existence that shouldn’t be evaluating their practice carefully. […]

Walking with Purpose

 Learn About Walking with Purpose Event Our Lady of Lourdes Parish Louisville, KY Tuesday, April 24 11 am to 1 pm Do you have a heart for other women and a desire to connect them in the parish, to encourage an authentic women’s faith sharing community, to meet women where they are and draw them […]

See you tomorrow! CWC 2018

The crew is busy preparing for tomorrow’s conference! Lots of good things in store…can’t wait to spend the day with 400+ women joined in prayer and community!

Registration is now closed.

Registration is now closed but if you would like to join us this Saturday for the conference and have not registered we will be able to take walk-in registrations the day of the conference March 10, 2018. Thank you to the over 400 women who are already registered to attend.  We look forward to spending […]

Donate Feminine Care Products

While you are out shopping this weekend or next week, don’t forget to pick up feminine care products to be donated to local agencies that serve women.  We will have a place for your donation near the registration area at the conference on March 10th.

Don’t forget to register.

After registering online you have the option of paying with a credit card online or mailing in a check for payment. Registration deadline is March 1st. (Checks for payment can be mailed after the registration deadline.)