Sarah Fellows is part of the Campus Ministry team at the University of Louisville. She has served as a campus minister for 16 years and was in youth ministry before that. She has a B.A. from Bellarmine, an M.A. from University of Louisville and an M.Ed. from Loyola University New Orleans. She has served on […]
Meet Our 2016 Keynote Speaker
Lavinia Spirito is the Founding Team Teaching Leader for Catholic Word Bible Study (CWBS). Though she grew up in Rome, Italy, Lavinia received her BA in Anthropology and Spanish from The University of Michigan, obtained her JD from The University of Kentucky College of Law and is currently working on her Masters in Theology […]
CWC 2016
Quenching our Thirst: The First Catholic Women’s Conference
Quenching our Thirst: The First Catholic Women’s Conference By Tracy Johnson November 7, 2015: in one amazing and historic day, 675 women from every part of the Archdiocese of Louisville gathered at St. Patrick Parish to pray, sing, worship, learn, and grow together in faith. I was one of those women, however I […]
Conference day has finally arrived…
This is the day that the Lord has made! Let us rejoice and be glad! Conference day has finally arrived, and we are thankful for the dedicated work of the many people who helped to make the first Women’s Conference a reality. May the Holy Spirit fill us with grace and love today. Here are […]
Are you ready?!
Tomorrow over 600 woman will be in attendance of the Archdiocese Louisville Catholic Women’s Conference. Thank you for planning to attend this event. We look forward to seeing you there. Here are a few notes to help you start off the event on the right path. First, please carpool if possible. With so many […]
Nearly 700 women will be attending the Catholic Women’s Conference coming this Saturday, Nov. 7th. Because we are anticipating so many attendees, we are asking that if possible as many make plans to carpool with others from their parish.
Registration is Closed!
Registration is now closed. We have exceeded our expectations for registrations. Thank you. See you Nov. 7th.
Registrations Are Nearly Full
If you have not registered for the conference, please do so online ASAP. There are not many empty seats left.